May Raffle: Win a Unique Prize
May Raffle/ Competition
Win a Tree Dedication for Someone Special in your Life
Moon Mná are offering one lucky Winner the chance to
have a Tree planted in an Irish forest
in honour of someone special
- it could be a loved one who has passed, or to celebrate an occasion, such as a birth, anniversary, for Valentine’s Day, retirement, your own Irish roots etc.
You will receive a Certificate with your Tree Dedication.
All you have to do to enter is Click on the link below and leave your name and email address and one lucky winner will be contacted in June
Closing date for entries is June 10th, 2022
Watch out on Facebook /Instagram and Email for details of our monthly Raffle/Competition
Honour or Celebrate Someone Special to You

The Irish Heritage Tree Programme promises to commemorate the spirit of your loved one, family name or a special occasion. Envision your tree as part of the pastures and woods of the breathtaking landscape of Ireland.
This is an initiative by Irish Central and The Tree Council of Ireland and Moon Mná are delighted to collaborate with them to promote it in Ireland and around the world.